2024-2025 Co-Design Workshop

Attention young people aged 12 – 25! We want to hear from you!

What IS a co-design workshop, you ask? Basically it’s an opportunity for us to get together with young people from our community to help make a plan for City of Darwin’s Youth Programs team for 2025 and beyond.

The workshop will be led by the City of Darwin Youth Advisory Committee and look at ways to bring the 2022 – 2026 Youth Strategy to life, all based on the voices of young people.

The workshop will include:

  • An overview of the 2022-2026 Youth Strategy
  • An outline of existing programs
  • A review of the 2024 action plan
  • An opportunity to identify priorities for action in 2025

Saturday 12 October
Meeting Room Function Area, Darwin Civic Centre

17 Harry Chan Avenue, Darwin

We will supply lunch and snacks, which means we definitely need you to RSVP and let us know about any food allergies or restrictions – and as an added bonus, all young people who attend the workshop get a free ticket to Generation Z: Youth Music Gig @ Bustard Town later that day! (Check out their insta – @pastpresentgenz).