Showcase of Shorts | Fresh Genre Shorts
Showcase of Shorts
10 short films by young Darwin filmmakers plus heaps of extras including profiles, interviews and more. New content every day for 20 days.
Monday 20 April – Sunday 10 May
See them all >> HERE << Pssssssst BYO popcorn 🙂
Fresh Genre Shorts
Now it’s your turn! Fresh Genre Shorts is a challenge based film competition for young people aged 12-25 years. Over a month there will be two fresh genre challenges as well a mystery prop to include in your film. The challenges are:
- Fortnight 1 – Thurs 7 til Tues 19 May – Action Genre
- Fortnight 2 – Thurs 21 til Tues 2 June – Animation Genre
To keep the competition accessible phone cameras are encouraged and entries should be under sixty seconds. It’s all about having a go and being creative with whatever resources you have.
- Best entry for the week – $50
- Best use of the week’s feature prop – $25
- Weekly lucky draw winner – $25
- Best Fresh Genre Short Overall Winner – $250
How to Enter
Each week all you need to do is upload your video to your instagram, facebook or tik tok account and hashtag that week’s challenge and tag launchdarwin. If you don’t have a social media account call us on 8930 0403 and we’ll organise another way for you to get your entry in.
- Fortnight 1 – #DDFFaction
- Fortnight 2 – #DDFFanimation
To stay up to date with details and announcements, and to view competition entries, follow LAUNCHdarwin on instagram and facebook.
Patchwork Epic
Due to the unexpectedly fast return to (new) normal we’ve decided not to proceed with Patchwork Epic, as all our regular programming returns from 5 June!

Darwin Digital Film Festival #DDFF is presented as part of Do Try This @ Home Festival #dotrythisathomedarwin