Would you like to produce activities and events, build connections with other creatives and contribute to the shaping of Geektacular 2024? Sounds like you would be perfect to join our Geektacular emerging producer team!
This opportunity is open to Darwin-based young people 16-25 years of age.
Geektacular includes a diverse range of activities, so we are looking for young people from different parts of the geek world to help make Geektacular inclusive and fun for everyone.
Some areas of expertise we are looking for include:
- Esports
- Cosplay
- Board games
- Terrain builders / model painting
- Karaoke
- Digital art
- Market stalls
- Cooking workshops
We also LOVE trying new ideas, so don’t feel limited by the list above.
What YOU will get out of being an emerging producer for Geektacular:
- The incredible feeling of creating and running a fantastic event
- Growing your skills and confidence in producing events
- Support from mentors to help you make it happen
- Experience to add to your resume
- Budget to cover the costs of producing your activity
- Meet amazing, new people and build your networks
- An honorarium of $150 (small payment to cover your participation costs such as transport, phone and data use)
Geektacular will take place on Saturday 20 January 2024.
EOIs are due by midnight on Sunday 15 October 2023
We are also looking to recruit an emerging event producer to oversee the team and coordinate the whole event. This will be a paid role, please indicate which role you are interested in on the form below.