LAUNCH Night Series is a social inclusion basketball tournament for young people aged 12-17. Our month-long tournaments take place four times a year with games held on Saturday nights at Casuarina Senior College.
Our next four week tournament will take place Saturday November 2, 9, 16 and 23.
LAUNCH Night Series is a free City of Darwin program open to young people aged 12 -17 who reside in the Darwin area. In addition to competitive basketball games, each Saturday night players are provided with uniforms, a meal to eat with their teammates and transportation home if required. Each night of the tournament players also participate in a life-skills workshop with topics ranging from health and well-being, respectful relationships, communication and employability.
LAUNCH Night Series runs four, month-long tournaments a year. The tournaments take place in the middle of each school term on four consecutive Saturday nights at Casuarina Senior College. The program is led by a committee of community volunteers and is supported and managed by City of Darwin. LAUNCH Night Series aims to-
- Provide young people with a safe, healthy and positive environment on Saturday nights when they may be vulnerable to harmful and anti-social behaviour;
- Support young people to connect with and participate in positive activities in their local community;
- Provide healthy role models and build positive self-regard in young people; and
- Divert young people in areas of need from the risks associated with unhealthy behaviours.
LAUNCH Night Series welcomes support from young people, volunteers and businesses.