Mindfulness Colouring Book

Some amazing designs are coming soon, brought to you by 20 of Darwin’s talented young creatives in honour of Mental Health Week, October 5-12!

Over the past few months LAUNCH Darwin has been working closely with a group of incredible young Darwin artists on creating a wellbeing colouring-in book – ‘You Matter: A Collection by Young Darwin Artists’. The group were asked to create a piece of work that shows what they feel best supports their mental health…and this has produced some pretty great designs to help you get your zen on!

Aligning with Mental Health Week 2024, this book also features a mental health service list that shows the young people of Darwin some of the mental health support services that are available to them in the community, as well as the best way to get in touch!

Free copies of this exciting project will be given to some of the fantastic youth organisations operating in Darwin to share, and free PDF copies will be available for you to print!

You can find more of the involved artist’s work on their Instagram…
Alyssa – @2uitcase
Amber – @salt.waterdesigns
Beth – @cordial_draws
Caleb – @calebdude.art
Felix – @felixadventures1
Hayley – @hayleyclaireart
Ifa – @eskrimko
Isabelle – @dippity_
Jarrah – @ratatatties
Jen – @iguess.itsart.maybe
Joon – @yooiinnk
Kaleb – @kaleb_artz
Lara – @paralenney
Lihao – @slimy_sailor
Marchall – @kings.of.spooky
Mili – @raeyha.draws
Moses – @sundown.brand
Rosey – @caelleth
Skye – @_.mayushii._

LAUNCH Darwin regularly work with young local artists, so if you’re keen to get involved feel free to send us an email on youthprojects@darwin.nt.gov.au or keep an eye on our socials for upcoming opportunities.